Our Learning
In Einstein class, we are working on Pre-National Curriculum targets for six areas of learning: Communication, Language and Literacy ; Mathematical Development ; Personal, Social and Emotional Development ; Physical Development ; Understanding the World ; and Expressive Arts and Design.
We do this by:
- Individualised Learning Plans for all children.
- 1:1 and small group targeted phonics and maths sessions.
- Using a range of verbal, non-verbal and visual communication methods.
- Regular therapy - based sessions timetabled to suit the needs of the children.
- 'Explore' time - opportunities for child- and adult-led activities each day, based around our termly topic.
- Life skills activities with an emphasis on moving from 'co-dependence' to 'independence'.
- Practical learning experiences (including off-site visits) .
- Focus on developing attention, turn -taking and social skills (including Attention Autism).
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