Discover Science
Aspire Explore Science Curriculum
Children at Aspire start their Science journey by exploring their world through theme-based learning opportunities and Attention Autism.
Our aim is for children to develop a sense of curiosity and wonder, whilst introducing early scientific skills alongside teaching concept and topic vocabulary. Early Science skills are introduced through exploring the world around us using a "hands on"multi-sensory approach, allowing our children to make connections with the world around them.
Exploring our world is exciting and fun and gives us a sense of belonging.
Aspire Discover Science Curriculum 
At Aspire, our children will continue their science journey by following the White Rose Science scheme of work. When ready, our children will access the scheme at a carefully selected level to ensure understanding, and progress through it at an appropriate pace.
White Rose Science teaches Science through engaging practical activities, introducing key concepts, vocabulary and scientific skills through a "small steps" approach.
The White Rose Science scheme of learning provides coverage of the national curriculum for Science and includes scientific questions around sustainability and the planet, which helps our children develop an empathy for the local and wider environment.