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Aspire Primary School

​​​​​​​Individual For All, Aspirational For Everyone​​​​​​​

Positive Behaviour Management

“Developing a positive whole-school ethos and culture – Relationships, Learning and Behaviour.”

All staff at Aspire School are trained in positive behaviour management strategies and positive handling techniques by our in house Team Teach Trainers, John Shanley and Luke Evans.

Positive Behaviour Management Strategies

Team Teach provides reasoned, researched and considered positive behavioural management courses, delivered by our experienced, knowledgeable trainers.

Team Teach is an accredited, award-winning provider of positive behavioural management training suitable for use throughout the education sector, from early years upwards.

Our strategies equip staff working in primary, secondary and SEN school environments with the tools they need to understand behaviour, manage challenging situations in the classroom, and minimise serious incidents.

Staff are trained to recognise negative behaviour signs and triggers in our students with knowledge from the Six Stages of Crisis being taught in all our Team Teach training sessions (see diagram below). Positive behaviour management such as diversion and distraction techniques can be used at Stage 1 and Stage 2 to prevent our students moving into Stage 3 which ultimately means we are having less incidents that will result in a positive handling techniques being used.

A Holistic Approach to Managing Behaviour at Aspire School

We value the importance of respect and positive relationships throughout Aspire School. Team Teach fosters a culture of support and teamwork, and all strategies are understood in the context of a holistic approach to classroom management which maintains a positive environment. The benefits can be huge, improving morale, confidence and learning outcomes.

This Approach Has Been Shown to be Transformative in Schools Throughout the UK

Our tailored training solutions teach positive behaviour management and handling strategies which reduce the need for physical intervention and restraint. They have helped transform a wide variety of workplaces and relationships, equipping individuals and teams to manage challenging behaviour and conflict safely and respectfully, driving positive outcomes.

If you have any questions then please contact our school office and ask to speak to our Team Teach Trainers.