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Term 1

Welcome back! This term is going to be super exciting! We'll start by diving into the wonderful book "Here We Are" by Oliver Jeffers. It's all about the amazing things all around us – like the stars in the sky and the friends we have. But we won't stop there. We'll also learn how to see the wonderful things in ourselves and why eating healthy food is so important.

And wait, there's more fun! We're going on a little adventure to France. We'll learn cool stuff about this awesome country – like its yummy food, famous places, and maybe even say "Bonjour" with some French phrases.

We've got PE on Mondays and Wednesdays, so, make sure your PE kit is ready. We're going to practise our skills and have a super fun football match at the end of term. It's all about working together and having a blast!

We can't wait to start this exciting journey with you. If you have questions or need help with anything, just ask any of us. Let's make this term full of fun and learning! 😊📚🌟